Resource Links
This page includes ALL important student and financial-related forms, including parking permits, bus passes, cashbox requests, and reimbursements or expenditures. Club-related forms such as grants and new club applications are found on the clubs section.
Student Parking Permits
Students who drive to school may only park in the student lot and must have a parking pass. There will be no charge for the parking passes but there must be a current pass displayed in a visible place on the front dash or window. To receive a parking pass, please complete the online agreement.
Athletics Registration
Fall sports tryouts begin as early as the first week of August. Please submit all 3 clearance steps found in the link provided by July 15. Clearance and registration is due 2 weeks prior to the start of every sport season (mid Oct. for winter sports; mid Jan for spring sports).
Cashbox Request
Cashboxes are needed for any on-campus fundraisers or activities in which a club or organization is collecting funds. Please fill out the cashbox request form at least two weeks in advance of the event at which they're needed (preferably earlier for safety). Money and cashboxes should be supervised by an adult advisor at all times and should NOT be in the possession of students before/after the fundraiser.
Contact Mrs. Marugg
Contact Mrs. Marugg, our school financial specialist, with questions pertaining to club finances, AP exam fees, and the income eligibility, OR talk to her in person at the ASB office by the vending machines.